Me on the way home
And then my mistress went off to see a concert performance of Bizets Carmen at the local church. No dogs or cameras but because it took place literally at the end of our road and could hear everything. It was a stunning performance for a local choir and the soloists were spectacular. All this in the local comunity. As my mistress says Carmen can be become a little tired it is so popular, a little corney perhaps but not this time. Himself went with her having never seen it before and even he came back tapping his toes and singing the meloldies. He said how suprised he was to know so many tunes.
Then as if this wasn't enough my Mistress was off again but this time to play music with friends. Four of them are learning to play the guitar including Himself who hasn't played in years. Again I couldn't go becuase I don't travel well and my mistress couldn't bring photos since her phone has packed up (we are definately going to get a proper camera this week). But I heard from the friends dog Henry on the twilight bark, that it was a great evening sitting in a fabulous garden (he has definately promised pictures in a month or so's time when they visit again) four guitars and a violin having a whale of a time in the evening sun playing such songs as Hey Mr Tambourne Man and Leaving On A Jet Plane eating good food.I just wish I had been there
You must be thinking that I have missed out an awful lot this weekend but it was made up for by a truely sublime dog and mistress moment. The late great Humphrey Littleton was on radio playing Big Band and Swing Jazz, My mistress and I were in the bedroom putting away the washing in the bedroom when all of a sudden a Count Bassey came on with one hell of a beat. We were off my mistress and I dancing and swinging about, Big Bernie my friend from the other side keeping time with his tail. It was a perfect moment which we both loved.
Well that's it for this week
Keep well and look after your owners.
Well that does sound like fun!!! We love any kind of music( it sends us off in a spin!!!!) And glad you got to have a bit of a dance in the bedroom!!!!!(bet you are the pawfect dancning partner) Love A+A
Oh goodness! We have a doggie at our house named Samwise too, but he's smaller and black and white. Come by and say hi to him if you want. We think he will love meeting another dog with his same name!
Cor, you are getting a camera...take it from me you will be photographed repeatedly! LOL!
I am the most photographed Dog in our village!
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