Thursday, 18 September 2008

Dust and Ticks

Good Morning Everyone

We're back and what a month!.

Our poor house had more done to it than we had ever realised would be needed.This was to put a damp course into the bottom of the building. All the plaster and skirting boards had to come off and put back. The builders were supposed to stay three days and stayed two weeks. In that time we had massive problems with the electrics and had no broad band or phone line And I haven't even mentioned the problems with dust. There is dust everywhere still!!!! Oh and one aunt still with us but still very poorly. We simply don't know how to help her.

Also I was ill. My mistress thought I had another growth on my skin. I am very old and so do get warts and lumps on my skin which are harmless enough but this one on my face was rather sensitive. So off to the vets I went, both of us very upset by the thought of the visit. It turned out to be an huge tick. Not one that you would normally find in England. The vet managed to get the little ***** *out whole and my mistress watched it for a whole minute before she flattened it! Grateful though I was to get rid of my passenger I was in such a state when I got there I ended up getting my head stuck under the desk trying to get out of the way of the vet .My heart was thumping so much we had crawl home so that I could recover. I was laid out all day.

We are both slowly getting over everything. My mistress who drinks aloe vera has had to up her dose but to be fair she hasn't had one migraine. She has worked on the principal that if you are going to be stressed and you know it then throw everything you can at it to beat it. Before taking aloe and herbs she would have been flat out and exhausted but now she keeps up a steady pace.

My medicines were regular drops of Bach's Rescue Remedy and a small amount of aloe vera with glucosamine to help my bad back. I still have a bad back and stiff shoulders but they are not quite so painful and with the exception of the visit to the vets I have managed quite well although I really hated having the builders drilling the walls

Anyway I am going back for another nap before I go for my walk later on

Onwards and upwards



1 comment:

George the Pup said...

I am sorry to hear about the tick and the house, but I'm pleased to see you are back and okay! I'm also sorry about your Aunt, but hopefully you are all spending time with her and making her as comfortable as can be.

I hope next week gets better for you!